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All-Natural Home Remedies To Combat Common Colds & Other Related Monsoon Diseases This Rainy Season

As we are now transitioning to the “Ber” months- perhaps the most anticipated season of all Filipinos-we can’t help but to get excited as the monsoon brings relief from the blazing hot summer. Filipino citizens, especially millennials or young adults to adults who are actively working should take care of and invest in their health. We’ve definitely experienced summer differently this year compared to pre-pandemic as people would rather stay at home than go outdoors-especially since recreational outdoor activities are not yet permitted. Surely, after a hot and humid day, rain can surely be a pleasurable thing especially when you are in condo living set-up and seeing that rain showers drape over the concrete walls is one among the blissful experience when you are living in a high-rise building. However, the fact that rain can also gift us a handful of rainy season diseases cannot be denied. Normally during the rainy season, our immune system is weakened and that often leads us to getting affected by water-borne diseases.

Getting adequate precautions to stay away from these diseases is every household’s goal as they can take a severe toll on our health.

Here are some common diseases during the monsoon season and available home remedies you can use to treat them.

#1. Common Cold and Flu

The rise and fall of the temperature, which takes place during this rainy season, makes our body prone to bacterial/viral diseases which then result into cold and flu.

Here are some home remedies you can do at home: Drink lots of fluids and consider these “Grandma- approved” remedies like gargling, steaming, resting, and drinking Salabat tea are incredibly beneficial. Ginger is also one among Filipinos favorite home remedy and ingredient. Not only that it has anti-microbial properties, it also fights infection with its anti-inflammatory properties. Consider having “Tinola” or chicken soup during these rainy days to keep yourself warm and cozy. Eat right and on time when you are working or studying from home and include nutritious foods like vegetables and fruits in your diet. Make sure to include the following in your grocery list:

  • Garlic, may help prevent colds when taken daily

  • Echinacea, may boost immune system to fight infections

  • Vit C & Zinc, might make a cold shorter and milder

  • Chicken Soup, soothes the throat and keeps you hydrated

  • Menthol Ointment, to relieve cough and congestion

  • Malungay leaves, for added iron and vitamin A. It’s also a perfect ingredient for your Tinola.

#2. Dengue

The monsoon is perhaps the best time for the mosquitoes to breed, as there is stagnant water in several places- especially on your unit’s balcony, because of that, mosquito-borne diseases increase. The fever caused by dengue can be dangerous for everyone’s health. To prevent this from happening, make sure to always discard any stagnant water around your home.

Here are some home remedies you can use at home to boost your immune system and reduce your risk of getting the disease:

  • Drink fresh orange juice; being a great mixture of vitamins and antioxidants, this juice helps to fight against the dengue fever. Furthermore, it also helps in digestion and increasing antibodies. Another great alternative is papaya, known to be very useful in curing the dengue fever and boosting the platelet count in the body.

  • The next time you run to your local grocery store, consider buying the following “condosentials” to keep your home monsoon season ready.

  1. Mosquito repellants and bug sprays

  2. Mosquito coils and electric mosquito killer lamps

  3. Cleaning materials

  • Make sure to have the following available in your pantry:

  1. Grapefruits, Oranges, Tangerines and other high in flavanol content fruits

  2. Red bell peppers, Garlic and Ginger - valuable condiments to add in your food

  3. Broccoli, Spinach and Kiwi as source of essential nutrients, including folate, potassium, vitamin K, and vitamin C

When buying meat consider having poultry and shellfish like oysters, crab, lobster and mussels that are naturally high in zinc and iron. Zinc doesn’t get as much attention as many other vitamins and minerals, but our bodies need it so that our immune cells can function as intended. Keep in mind that you don’t want to have more than the daily recommended amount of zinc. The recommended doses are: 11 mg for adult men and 8 mg for most adult women.

#3 Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is caused by common allergens, such as pollen, dust mites, mold, animal stings, and certain food or medications. Allergic reactions usually occur with the change of seasons and concrete example would be the monsoon. One or more of these symptoms may show immediately after coming into contact with an allergen—sneezing, coughing, swelling or itching of the skin, and having an itchy, stuffy, or runny nose.

Here are some home remedies you can try when you’re having one of your blues:

  1. Papaya and Pineapple- Bromelain is an enzyme found in papaya and pineapple. Natural healers consider bromelain to be effective at improving breathing by reducing swelling.

  2. Honey- Although there’s no scientific evidence to prove it, a popular theory suggests eating locally produced honey will lower your allergic reaction over time to the pollen that the bees collect in your area to make their honey.

  3. Spirulina- A 2015 study indicated that dietary spirulina — a blue-green algae — demonstrated antiallergic protective effects towards allergic rhinitis.

  4. Peppermint essential oil- A 1998 showed that peppermint oil treatment had enough anti-inflammatory effects that reduced the symptoms of bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis to warrant clinical trials. Essential oils can be diffused into the air but should be diluted in a carrier oil if applied topically.

  5. Eucalyptus essential oil- Advocates of natural healing suggest using eucalyptus oil as an antimicrobial agent by adding it to each load of wash during allergy season.

While there’s some evidence that home remedies for allergies can be effective, it’s a good idea to discuss them with your doctor before trying them out. Get a full diagnosis and listen to your doctor’s suggestions on what’s best for you and your personal situation.

Stay Warm and Dry

Getting sick is normal, but there are so many ways to protect ourselves from viruses—from frequent hand washing to staying hydrated, reaching the right vitamins and medicines to fight any sickness, and getting immunization shots or prescriptions. Just be sure to consult your doctors to get professional advice on how you can avoid all the –Ber month blues.


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