Planning on weight loss and turning in a healthy lifestyle? Condo living together with diet may be hard to achieve but don’t worry because there are many types of diets to try!
These are the different types of diet to choose from while in condo living:
1. The Vegan Diet
Veganism is defined as a way of life that aims to eliminate all forms of exploitation and abuse of animals, whether for food, clothing or other purposes. For these reasons, people who try vegan diet avoid all animal products, including meat, eggs, and dairy products.
A vegan diet seems to be an effective way in helping a person lose weight. It is usually without counting calories because it is extremely low in fat and high in fiber, which can keep you full for a long time. Vegan diet fits condo living due to proximity in markets where a person can buy their food ingredients.
2. Low Carb Diet
Low carb diet is undeniably one of the most famous type of diet. There are several types of low-carbohydrate diets, but all of them involve limiting carbohydrate intake to 20-150 grams per day. The main goal of this low carb diet is to force someone’s body to use more fat as fuel instead of using carbohydrates as its main source of energy.
A person’s body can use the fatty acids and ketones as main energy sources without carbohydrates.
3. The Paleo Diet
The paleo diet emphasizes eating whole foods, lean protein, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. This diet strongly disapproved of eating processed foods. Some more easier versions of the paleo diet also allow dairy products such as cheese and butter, and tubers such as sweet potatoes and potatoes.
This diet seems to be effective in reducing risk factors for heart disease, such as blood sugar, cholesterol, blood triglycerides and spike of blood pressure.
4. The Ultra low fat diet
The ultra-low-fat diet limits your fat intake to less than 10% of daily calories. Generally speaking, a low-fat diet provides 30% of its calories in the form of fat. Studies have shown that this diet may not be effective for weight loss for a long time.
Ultra-low-fat diet supporters claim that the fat content of the traditional low-fat diet is not low enough. The fat intake must be kept below 10% of the total calories in order for the diet to be beneficial to health and reduce weight.
5. Atkins Diet
Atkins weight loss method is the most popular low-carb weight loss method. People who use this diet insist that as long as they avoid carbohydrates, they can lose weight by eating as much fat and protein as possible. The main reason low-carb diets are so effective for weight loss is because they reduce a person’s appetite.
The Atkins diet is split into four stages. It usually starts with the stage of induction, during which a person should consume less than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day for two weeks. At other stages, as they approach a target weight, healthy carbohydrates will slowly rejoin their diet.
6. The Dukan Diet
The Dukan Diet is a low-carbohydrate, high protein diet for weight loss, divided into four phases. There are two weight loss phases and two maintenance phases. Each stage has its own nutritional model.
The weight loss phase is mainly based on the intake of unlimited protein foods and mandatory oat bran. Other stages include adding non-starchy vegetables, then adding some carbohydrates and fats. After that, the number of days of pure protein used to maintain a new weight will become less and less.
7. Zone Diet
The Zone diet is a low-glycemic load diet. A person should limit carbohydrates to 35-45% of daily calories. It also limits protein and fat to 30 ch (89 trusted sources). It recommends eating only carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (GI). The GI of a food is an estimate of the increase in blood glucose levels after consumption. Zone Diet was originally designed to reduce diet-related inflammation, weight and lessen the risk of chronic diseases.
The type of diet recommends a balance of 1/3 protein, 2/3 colorful fruits, and vegetables. It also includes a small amount of fat-monounsaturated oils such as olive oil, avocado or almonds. It also limits high GI carbohydrates such as bananas, rice, and potatoes.
8. Intermittent fasting
With intermittent fasting, the body alternates between fasting and eating phases. It is not to limit the food a person should eat, but to control when they eat. Therefore, it can be regarded as a pattern rather than a diet.
Intermittent fasting is often used for weight loss because it leads to relatively simple calorie restriction. It allows a person to consume fewer calories overall-as long as they don't overcompensate by eating too much during meals.
9. Ketogenic Diet
The ketogenic diet has been used to treat epilepsy for decades. Other uses of keto are being explored. It includes reducing carbohydrate intake and increasing fat intake. This sounds against common sense, but it allows the body to burn fat instead of carbohydrates for fuel.
Healthy fats, such as those found in olive oil avocados, coconuts, seeds, Brazil nuts, oily fish, are added to the diet in large quantities to maintain attention to fats.
10. The Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean diet is a southern European diet, with special emphasis on the eating habits of the people of Greece, Southern Italy and Crete. Today it also includes Southern France, Portugal and Spain. Although Portugal does not touch the Mediterranean level.
The focus is on many plant-based foods.
Fresh fruits are used as desserts. Legumes, nuts, whole grains, seeds, and olive oil are the main sources of dietary fat. Cheese and yogurt are also the main dairy products. The diet also includes a moderate amount of fish and poultry, up to about four eggs per week, a little amount of red meat, and a small to moderate amount of wine.
While on a diet, make sure to exercise as well. For a more accurate type of diet that you should try, always seek advice from the doctor first to avoid health complications. Moreover, it is best to have a buddy or a friend when you start these diet to have a person who can remind you about your diet at home or when you travel with friends, family, or alone.