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Things You Learned From Being A Kid

If there are valuable lessons that contributed a significant impact to who you are right now, it would probably be from your childhood experience. Being a child, you get to explore the world from responsibilities. Although of course there are limitations when you were a child because you are still under your parents or guardians’ responsibility. But if you take time to reflect there are a lot of valuable lessons that you can apply now in your adult life.

Little things matter the most

One of the hardest things to overcome as adults is to appreciate life especially when you are bombarded with a lot of responsibilities and big goals. When you enter the adult phase of life, you’ll start to focus on bigger things and most of the time the pressure can come from the world’s standard of success. Unlike when you were a child the simplest things can put a smile on your face. But now that you have grown and face the reality of life, your happiness depends on bigger things. But this lesson: little things matter the most. It reminds us that no matter how hard life is right now, sometimes it just takes a small shift of perspective to appreciate life. One good practice is listing the blessings you received for a day, and this can be as simple as waking up and having food on the table. Spend time also reflecting and journaling how much progress you have made from the person you were before and today. In this way, you get to remind yourself that life is good.

Failure is part of life

When you were a child, you made mistakes often. Probably your parents have told you a story of the first time you were able to walk or any first time you have done. Just like when you were a child, you have tried and failed a couple of times before you were able to stand and be successful. But the difference now as adults is that we are more aware and conscious of our failures. Sometimes when life is too hard on us, we value our worth based on our successes and failures. But this lesson reminds us that failure is part of life and it does not make us less of who we are when we don’t achieve the things we or the world expect from us. Allow yourself to make mistakes. Allow yourself to learn from it. In this way, you will be able to be more comfortable failing. Remind yourself that failure does not mean you’re less worthy, it only means you are growing and learning as you should be.

Listening is an essential key to a fulfilling life

Back when you were a child, you were probably told to listen all throughout your childhood life. This is because as a child, we are still innocent of a lot of things. You were obliged to listen to our parents, guardians, teachers, and to those around you in order to learn. Maybe back then you were tired of being asked to listen and follow constantly, but this lesson taught us that listening allows you to learn and grow. As you grow and enter bigger responsibilities, you will realize that listening from those who have more life experiences allowed you to be where you are today. Listening could be pretty hard especially nowadays that everyone has something to say but always remember that when you listen, you get to learn and have more time for yourself to think. People in this world have different perspectives and if you want to live a more fulfilling life you should listen to the people who share the same values and principles that you have. When you are faced with contradicting, continue listening because from here you will learn that there are a lot of truths in this world. The key to learning life is through listening to different perspectives and formulating your own.

Not everyone will like you and that’s okay

One of the hardest lessons from growing up is learning that you are not for everyone. Not everyone will appreciate and see your worth in their lives but that does not mean that they are bad people, or you are less of the person you are. Your worth should not depend on those around you, but it should come from the inside of you. This is probably the hardest lesson you have to learn but once you learn you’ll realize that sometimes all it takes is letting go and pursuing the right environment for you. This could also be applied to choosing your investments and career path. You can’t be in all places at once, take time to learn and reflect on what those are worth investing in. For example, if you are a career-oriented person who prioritizes convenience and comfortability when it comes to living, you could invest in a rent-to-own condo where you can condo design to your own liking. What’s good about this is that condominiums are usually near establishments like schools, offices, markets, and malls. It allows you to have a more convenient life while having your own space for growth.

It’s better to give than to receive

One of the most important lessons that you can learn from being a kid is generosity. You have been probably told by your parents to share and not be greedy with your siblings and seatmates. This is because generosity allows you to be more empathetic towards others. Life as you experience it is really unfair but sharing an imperfect world still can be a happy place. When you learn the virtue of sharing, you will realize that happiness does not come from material things alone. Happiness can be achieved through sharing life with people.

Cherish every moment because not everything lasts.

When you were a child, you have probably experienced a lot of changes in your life. From changing schools to changing your favorite tv shows or even changing friends, you will realize that there’s no permanent thing in this world but change. But change is not something that you should be afraid of because change is a sign of growth. As a child, you probably cried when a friend of yours left or when your favorite show is no longer on the tv. As adults you also face changes in your life, that’s why this lesson reminds you to always cherish yours now. Take time to pause and give thanks for whatever is in front of you. Because one day, you’ll realize you already outgrew another part of you and now entering a new chapter.

With the pandemic, everyone - especially the children is very much affected by their schools, experience that they will not get to meet or interact with their peers. Thus, continuous teaching the children inside their homes is essential and plays a vital role.


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