Living a healthy and active lifestyle seems like an intimidating idea. It requires dedication and discipline to achieve our fitness goals. Apart from e temptations of cravings and laziness, busy schedules can also seem like a disadvantage and a setback. What’s even more difficult is staying healthy and keeping fit– maintaining healthy food choices and making time for a sweat session in a day.
A busy life cannot be avoided, but it can be managed. It is also necessary to keep proper health and to break a sweat while pursuing one’s dreams and passions. Here are 6 tips that will help busy people to find time to keep anyone in tip-top shape.
List your priorities and goals
A healthy lifestyle is a long-term choice and commitment. Making a list of everything one does in their free time, such as watching your favorite TV series, running, or invigorating one’s condo living situation is a wonderful approach to focus time and effort on the things they value. Once the list has been made, rank each activity according to its importance, starting at the top and working way down. At the end of this exercise, the activities one values will be seen. Even if it's only for 15 minutes, try to fit in at least one of the top three priorities each day.
Go back to basics
From getting 8 hours of sleep to drinking 2 liters of water, these basic tips are a good starting point for anyone’s fitness journey. Making atomic changes in one’s habits can have a significant effect, not just on physical health but mental and emotional, as well. Enjoy one’s humble beginnings and the journey. Don’t forget to take and honor rest days, too!
Prepare meals ahead
Not planning meals can lead anyone to eating junk and instant foods. It's important to plan the menu for the following week ahead of time, focusing on quick and easy to prepare recipes and/or readily available ingredients, and having a variety of selections in the refrigerator and kitchen cupboards. Youtube is a good source for recipes and meal prep. There are also businesses you can subscribe to for meal plans.
Boost diet with superfoods
Eating food doesn’t have to be restrictive. Anyone can be creative with their food while getting the nutrients they need. Superfoods are a good way to boost one’s diet and ultimately, give the energy for work and exercise. Some superfoods are turmeric, seafood, berries, citrus fruits, and coconut oil.
Ask help from friends
The journey to health and fitness doesn’t have to be lonely. For sure, one has friends and peers who went through the same experience, as well. Ask them on their journeys and see what can be learned from them. They can also be an accountability buddy, especially in times of laziness or fatigue.
Time block your exercise time
Whether one uses a physical planner, a calendar app, or a productivity tool, it always helps to concretize and visualize the time one has set for exercise. It keeps anyone in check and makes sure that one follows the schedule. Time blocking is an effective way to ensure that one will have the time in the day to sweat and to prepare meals, as well.
The work-life balance and a healthy lifestyle anyone dreams of is possible with proper time management and making time for one's self and well-being.