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Classic OPM Bands that you should listen inside your Condo

The Philippines is known for being a music-loving country, and while you can find fans of just about any genre in any of the country's nations, Filipinos hold the most respect for their local musicians. We just can't get enough of music.

OPM (Original Pinoy Music), the term for Filipino music, has come a long way. OPM experienced a brief quiet period following its peak in the late 1980s and early 1990s as Filipinos began to favor Western music. On the other hand, local musicians and bands have recently expanded all across the nation, bravely experimenting with various genres and producing fresh, original content.

One of the most productive periods in Filipino music history was the '90s. Balladeers and divas provided a steady stream of pop hits. Still, the so-called OPM alternative rock explosion made an upsurge of Filipino bands that took over the music industry. It made room for previous artists and bands to become widely popular, perform at sold-out shows, land big record label deals, and receive extensive attention from the media. Now that Filipinos are rediscovering their love for local music, OPM is reviving.

Condo living requires work and a relaxed living environment. Playing original Pinoy music bands inside your condo can ease up your mind. Here are some of our all-time favorite classic bands in the Philippines that you can listen to inside your condo:

Parokya ni Edgar

Parokya ni Edgar, along with the Eraserheads, served as the foundation for a unique genre of local rock music, impacting every high school student in the Philippines who has ever attempted to start a band. The group is renowned for its lyrics' witty wordplay, particularly appealing to Filipino humor. Since its formation in 1993, the band has performed live shows everywhere, from specific venues to large music festivals. Even today, their enormous fan base fills every space they perform in, and their performances are dynamic and engaging. They are one of the famous bands in the Philippines with many hit songs, including Harana, Gitara, and the legendary collaborative piece, Bagsakan.


The OG and the pioneers of classic bands in the Philippines, the never forgotten, Eraserheads. The Eraserheads, once referred to as "The Beatles of the Philippines," became one of OPM's most renowned and significant bands. In 1989, the band formed for the first time in a university, where they quickly found success. The band's clever lyrics and genuine sound won over the nation. Today's younger Filipinos, who are just learning about their music, are adapting to the band that enthralled the whole country. You can listen to their hit songs like Paraluman and Ligaya. If you are looking for comfort, the most recommended song would be With a Smile.


Talking about someone who goes head to head with the iconic Eraserheads? Rivermaya hits close to home. Prior to becoming one of the most in-demand pop rock performers in the nation, Bamboo was the lead vocalist of the local band Rivermaya in the 1990s. Ulan was crucial to the group's success today, especially for Bamboo Manalac and Rico Blanco. When Ulan was released in 1994, it immediately became a huge hit. Rivermaya posed the greatest threat to the reigning Eraserheads at the time because of Ulan and became one of the most popular bands in the Philippines. Aside from Ulan, you can also listen to Hinahanap hanap kita, and Liwanag sa Dilim.

Side A

Side A was formed in the 1980s but didn't become particularly well-known in the local music scene until the 1990s, when thousands of high school girls and coeds began flocking to their shows and shrieking with delight. Side A kept up the pop sensation that many bands from the 1980s were known for, delivering original songs and owning their renditions of traditional OPM ballads. Songs like Forevermore and Set You Free are classic hits that up until now we can't stop listening to. Their hit songs made them climb up the ladder as one of the famous bands in the Philippines.


If you're up for some rock scene, then Sandwich might be for you. Sandwich entered the '90s rock scene a little later than most, but they quickly made up for the lost time. The group's first big hit was Butterfly Carnival. It had a different sound from the band's recent work, much like the other songs on the debut album. It was unusual to hear guitar parts reminiscent of the American indie-rock band Pavement in the context of the band's current sound. They are undeniably part of the popular bands in the Philippines regarding the rock genre.

True Faith

True Faith honed the formula for establishing radio-friendly, easily digestible, likable, yet cool love melodies, as demonstrated by the song "Perfect." People are still playing the chords to acoustic guitar ballads "Kung Okay Lang Sa 'Yo," "Muntik Nang Maabot Ang Langit," and "Huwag Na Lang Kaya", a proof of True Faith's music's timeless appeal. The band's discography reveals a steady stream of releases over the years, hinting at True Faith's efforts to stay successful by producing their music. Playing their music inside your condo can create a warm vibe in your condo living.

Barbie's Cradle/Hungry Young Poets

You might have heard of Barbie Almabis, according to some, when Barbie Almalbis left the band, she was not permitted to continue using the name Hungry Young Poets, so she started a new band called Barbie's Cradle. The beautifully written songs in Barbie's Cradle's album appeared more personal, with the most popular of which were "Tabing Ilog," "Goodnyt," and "The Dance." She continued to perform the songs she wrote with HYP, such as "Firewoman" and "Torpe", while also playing new songs with her new band. Barbie's Cradle became an inspiration to female singer-songwriters who would later start their own bands in the male-dominated music industry.

Listen to these songs and add some nostalgic and refreshing vibe to your condo living. It's possible to boost your mood quickly by listening to music, but it's becoming increasingly evident that music offers many more advantages to our lives. Regardless of genre, this list aims to showcase the bands' accomplishments and acknowledge their contributions to the local music scene.


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